今日は天気のせいかあまりやる気が出なかったけどプレッシャーで英語書き終えました!(もう深夜2時だから書き終えてると言えるのか怪しいけど)今日もブイログと単語帳やりました!ブイログ見てるとfreak out(クスリなどでぶっ飛ぶ)などなかなかイカつい言葉も学べて楽しいです👍
Today, I was woken up by my mother early morning and asked to take her the hospital. She looked not well. I knew that she has had Stomachache because she told me so yesterday. Therefore, I thought her stomachache got worse and What is worse, perhaps, she has gotten serious illness. I rushed to the hospital by car and waited her with anxiety. after a while She came back. And told me the diagnosis. That was just constipation means 便秘 in japanese.I felt relieved and little bit angered because I was supposed to sleep more!