City health inspectors conducted a surprise visit of the nursery on 6 September, but did not identify any violations.
Mayor Eric Adams defended the inspectors on Wednesday, telling TV network NY1: "That inspector did their job. And we should not in any way give an impression that inspector failed those children and their families."
"Who did not do their job?" he added. "Those individuals who were supposed to protect the children there."
The father of a two-year old boy that survived the fentanyl exposure told ABC News that there were warning signs about the nursery.
フェンタニル曝露から生き残った2歳の男の子の父親は、ABC Newsに保育園についての警告サインがあったと伝えた。
The man told the network that, looking back, he considers it suspicious there were three men standing outside the building on Thursday and Friday.
Virtually every corner of the US, from Hawaii to Alaska to Rhode Island, has been touched by fentanyl, new research shows.
The death toll from fentanyl includes a growing number of very young children.
Over the weekend in Washington state, one child died and two others got sick in separate incidents involving fentanyl, police say.
Across the country, prosecutors are bringing charges against parents whose children died after consuming the deadly drug.
nursery 幼稚園、保育園
inhale 吸い込む、吸入する
conspirator コンスピレーター、共謀者
overdose 過量摂取
intent to ~しようと思って、~する目的で
prosecutor 検察官
surveillance 監視、監督
allegedly 申し立てによると、伝えられるところによれば