学び日本の失業率が下落、そして賃金に対する前向きな兆候Japan’s unemployment rate fell for the first time in two months in June, feeding into optimism that 181Save
学びAIとのやりとりの末に命を絶った男性少し古いニュースですが。。。Belgian man dies by suicide following exchanges with chatbot,A young Belgian man recen1812
学びニジェールの兵士が国営テレビでクーデターを宣言Niger soldiers announce coup on national TV,Soldiers in the West African country of Niger have annou19CommentSave
学びアメリカの猛暑、刑務所でも命の危機How desperate US prisoners try to escape deadly heat,As temperatures rise, prisoners locked in cells261Save
学び中国の秦外相、行方不明 うわさ飛び交うQin Gang: China's 'missing' foreign minister sparks guessing game,The lengthy absence from public vi17Comment1
学び韓国の洪水:トンネルの冠と土砂崩れで数十人が死亡South Korea floods: Dozens die in flooded tunnel and landslides,At least 40 people in South Korea ha21CommentSave
学びヨーロッパの熱波続く:さらなる記録的な高気温が予想される🥵Europe heatwave: More record temperatures expected,Much of southern Europe is baking in extreme heat2011
学び「ドアストッパー」代わりの花瓶、明時代のものと判明 60万円で落札Ming vase used as £8.50 doorstop in Essex sells for £3,400,An £8.50 vase that "sat in the corner of 19CommentSave
学び北朝鮮、米軍機の撃墜を警告する中ICBM発射North Korea fires intercontinental ballistic missile after threatening US,North Korea has fired a su27CommentSave
学びトルコ、スウェーデンのNATO加盟を支持🇹🇷🇸🇪Turkey backs Sweden's Nato membership - Stoltenberg,Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agre17CommentSave
学びアメリカ、ウクライナにクラスター爆弾供与へ 物議を醸すUS plans to send controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine,The US will send Ukraine a cluster munit3211
学びツイッター社、新SNS「スレッズ」めぐり提訴の構え🤔Twitter is considering legal action against Meta over its fast-growing rival app Threads.,Threads, w232Save
学び「スレッズ」インスタがTwitterに対抗するアプリを発表❗️Threads: Instagram launches app to rival Twitter,Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg has said that the compan222Save
学び7/4 ワグネルの反乱から1週間 ロシアの人々は何を思っているのかA week on from the dramatic mutiny by Wagner forces, residents in Rostov-on-Don - the city the merce15CommentSave
学び「塩の粒より小さい」かばん、900万円で落札🧳MSCHF microscopic bag 'smaller than grain of salt' sells for $63,750,A microscopic handbag "smaller 20CommentSave
学び6/29 北京で41.1度🥵:6月の過去(60年間)最高気温記録Beijing heatwave: China capital records hottest June day in 60 years,Beijing has recorded its hottes29CommentSave
学びロシアワグネルの反乱はプーチン権力の「真の亀裂」を示す?Russia: Wagner mutiny shows real cracks in Putin authority - US,An attempted armed mutiny in Russia 25CommentSave
学び6/24 タイタン潜水艦で死亡した5人の「真の探検家」😢Five dead on Titan sub were 'true explorers' - OceanGate,The five people who died on the Titan subme161Save
学び6/22 行方不明のタイタニック号潜水艦捜索チーム 酸素残量が…Missing Titanic sub search team expand search area as oxygen fears mount,More noises have been detec301Save
学び6/20 棺の中で「生き返った」女性、1週間後に死亡Woman who knocked on coffin at her funeral dies after week in hospital,An Ecuadorean woman has died 18CommentSave
学び6/17 ダウン症のバービー人形が登場 多様性足りないとの批判受けBarbie with Down's syndrome on sale after 'real women' criticism,A Barbie with Down's syndrome is th22CommentSave
学び6/15 マッカートニー氏が明かす ビートルズ「最後の曲」完成、レノン氏の歌声をAIで復元Sir Paul McCartney says artificial intelligence has enabled a 'final' Beatles song,Sir Paul McCartne20CommentSave
学び「死んだ」女性、本人の通夜中、棺の中で呼吸しているのが見つかる'Dead' woman found breathing in coffin at own funeral,Mourners at the funeral of an elderly Ecuadori3413
学び6/10 ワニの単為生殖を初確認Crocodile found to have made herself pregnant,The first case of a crocodile who made herself pregnan21Comment1
学び6/8 ウクライナ南部のダム破壊、得するのは誰なのかNova Kakhovka: Who benefits from breaching the dam?A huge dam in the Russian-occupied area of southe29Comment1
学びガーシー:日本のYouTuberが有名人脅迫で逮捕されるGaaSyy: Japan YouTuber arrested over celebrity threats,Police in Japan have arrested a YouTuber and 21Comment1
学び6/3 インドオディシャ州で旅客列車などが衝突、200人以上死亡India train crash: More than 280 dead after Odisha incident,At least 288 people are now known to hav35CommentSave
学び6/1 AIが人類滅亡を招く恐れ 専門家が警告🚨Artificial intelligence could lead to extinction, experts warn,Artificial intelligence could lead to20CommentSave
学び5/30 ロシア、グレアム米上院議員に逮捕状Lindsey Graham: Russia issues arrest warrant for top Republican,Russia has issued an arrest warrant 16CommentSave